Seminar Topics
Bernadette designs and delivers customized keynote presentations and seminars
in Customer Service, Leadership, Professional Communication Skills, Diversity,
Change Management, Motivation and Thinking Outside the Box. You are guaranteed
to gain the latest, hottest information available on the topic. You will not hear
the same old stories repeated in the other seminars. Each program has been customized
using current, pertinent, and relevant information to bring you "Leading Edge"
information on the topic you want to learn more about. You'll discover realistic,
applicable solutions to your toughest I while being entertained and inspired! |
Sample Techniques Employed
Accelerated Learning
Interactive Exercises
Role Playing
High Impact Video
Group Breakout Sessions
Multimedia Slide
Game Show Pro
Computer Generated
Interactive Programs
Customized Program Format |
Keynote Presentation : 45 minutes to 1 hour |
Half Day Presentation : Up to 3 hours |
Full Seminar : 6 hours |
Topic Descriptions
How To Deliver Customer Service Excellence
Clients like the Pittsburgh Housing Authority, Department of Interior,
and the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum staff can attest to the benefits of
receiving world class customer service training from Customer Service
Expert Bernadette. If you strive to be more than "just a cut" above
the rest in your field, then call upon Bernadette Trujillo- Vadurro
to customize your full multimedia program today! |
why every customer contact is critical to your success
five cornerstones of excellence in customer service
customer needs and learn how to excel in meeting needs
powerful listening strategies to improve customer interactions
seven keys to successfully build customer loyalty
communication problems that arise in customer service
six strategies to defuse an angry customer
the positive initiative in your customer service transactions
how you can say no to customers and still keep them smiling
eight award - winning strategies to improve your telephone skills
Leadership & Management
Leadership Strategies for Managers is a high - content program designed to help
every manager, supervisor and team leader to improve professional performance and
increase leadership effectiveness. Learn how to meet leadership demands successfully.
Bernadette has worked with managers throughout the United States to improve leadership
quality, increase staff motivation, and to better workplace productivity. |
Discover crucial elements in effective leadership and management
Find out how to delegate and problem solve quickly and effectively
Understand the elements of building solid employee relations
Cultivate employees to become hardworking and loyal
Discover how to lead your team through example and inspiration
Take a series of assessments to determine your leadership style
Learn to benchmark and set goals as you improve your management skills
Discover important techniques to improve employee performance
Learn how to smooth over a sticky or awkward confrontation
Learn to flex your communication style and increase emotional intelligence
Find out how to build a creative, innovative and productive working environment
Managing Change
The only constancy we are guaranteed to encounter is that everything changes
sooner or later. This is a dynamic presentation on "Managing Change" by Bernadette
Trujillo - Vadurro. Here are but a few highlights : |
Discover why we fear change and how to overcome that fear
The difference between self - imposed change and exterior - imposed change
How to develop a working philosophy to cope with change
Learn to become a change agent in a rapidly altering workplace
The fundamental process of organizational change; what to expect and how to prepare for it
Planning change to balance management decision making and team participation
12 strategies for becoming "change skilled"
Methods to prepare team members to embrace the future and its possibilities
Thinking Outside the Box
How To Develop Breakthrough Thinking Skills |
Become a creative problem solver
Understand paradigm paralysis
Make break through discoveries
Learn whole brain thinking skills
Eliminate "stuck in the rut" thinking
Find multiple solutions to problems
Discover hidden opportunities
Maximize brain power
Embrace change
Transform options
Expand alpha brain state waves
Use advanced thinking techniques
How To Increase Innovative Creativity & Production In The Workplace |
Master secrets to work satisfaction
See how to generate more ideas
Discover the real motivators
Use technology brain storming
Uncover your creative potential
Foster innovation at work & home
Increase options & possibilities
Learn to avoid creativity killers
Create an innovative culture
Tap into creative potentiality
Create better products & services
Gain the competitive edge ahead
Communication Skills
"It's not what we say that impacts our future, it's how we say it." Bernadette
Trujillo - Vadurro, communication expert will take you behind the scenes in
understanding communication, it's impact and how you can improve your communication
strategies. Bernadette will teach you how to increase your personal power, professional
credibility and maximize communication blunders. |
Discover how to develop immediate rapport even with strangers
Test your listening and see how you can enhance relationships
Minimize conflict and confrontations through diffusion strategies
Effectively communicate with all types of people
Learn 6 communication skills that will help you in any situation
Learn 10 techniques to increase your emotional intelligence
Find out how you can decipher unspoken messages
Understand the importance of body language during your interactions
Bridge the differences between male and female communication
Find out about cultural differences and the importance of sensitivity
Discover how to use silence effectively
Increase your personal presence through dynamic strategies
Become more influential and motivating in your communication
Diversity Training
The Diversity Training program is a highly interactive workshop which invites
participants to explore diversity in a safe and professional learning environment
Participants can expect to better understand the business rationale for gender,
cultural and global differences and why these are workplace issues. Participants
will discover the benefits of embracing diversity as an important component in the
21st century. The Diversity Training program offers a structured formula in experiential
learning which will provide key ingredients towards initiating successful organizational
changes in performance and behavior within your organization.
Diversity, affirmation action and EEOC can be controversial topics, if they are not
facilitated in a pro active and productive manner. This exciting program, delivered by
Bernadette Trujillo - Vadurro, Diversity Expert, will greatly assist you in understanding
the key elements of diversity appreciation. This training program is divided into four major
components. The following identifies key topics to be covered.
Component I |
Understanding EEOC and it's impact on our workplace
Developing and managing diversity in a rapidly changing work world
Why top organizations value diversity, embrace EEOC and even go
the extra mile
Understanding how evolving economics and demographics are relative
to a workforce that reflects our nation's diversity
Learn about EEOC laws, case studies and discover how to make diversity
an integrated part of your organization
Find out about the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
and how this affects recruitment and retention
Review actual EEOC case studies, the infractions, the findings
and the court rulings
Find out if you are guilty of any discriminating actions and why
Affirmative Action can benefit every individual
Component II |
Diversity Assessment - recognizing your biases, stereotypes, and
prejudices and how to become pro active
Cross cultural communication, the pluses, the challenges, and
the importance of sensitivity
Ten important elements toward team building in a diverse environment
Creating an affirming environment through several important communication
Twelve reasons for valuing diversity - Diversity 180 and how to
achieve maximum potential
Component III |
How to increase your Emotional Intelligence
Unique issues pertinent to balancing organizational missions with
cultural sensitivity
Discover how to maintain credibility and influence while still
maintaining an aura of sensitivity
Learn techniques to help you effectively communicate your message
with impact, but without alienating others
Discover how you can use your gestures and body language in a
powerful manner and still maintain rapport with individuals
Tools to assist you to quickly resolve communication conflicts
How you can become a change agent and learn to think outside the
Component IV |
How to increase professional influence through Cultural Diversity
Learn techniques to help you effectively communicate with all
types of people
Discover methods for increasing your emotional intelligence
Understand the importance of body language during your interactions
and learn how to decipher unspoken messages
Bridge the differences between male and female communication through
understanding critical elements
Motivation & Attitude Improvement
Bernadette Trujillo - Vadurro is hailed as an expert in the field of motivation.
She has been brought into organizations to literally light the fire of energy and
enthusiasm where the light has begun to dull. Don't miss the opportunity to gain
from Bernadette's expertise. |
Find the differences between kick starters and self starters
How to build intrinsic motivation and pride in every job
Discover a twenty - one day renewal exercise that can change your
Learn the secrets of increase productivity
Discover how to develop personal responsibility and enhance self
Action steps for identifying and actively pursuing your work mission
Learn strategies and techniques to improve your motivation